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Oh No! My Child Needs Crowns! Here’s Why It’s NOT The End Of The World

There’s no denying it – your child has a tooth cavity and the damage looks pretty bad. You can’t help but feel terrible. Weren’t you doing everything to help keep their mouth healthy? Brushing, flossing, reducing sugar: you did all the right things, but your child still managed to get a hole so big they now need crowns on their baby teeth. Well, you can set aside the parental guilt, as tooth decay in children is incredibly common – the World Health Organization estimates that between 60-90% of school-aged children worldwide have cavities. And while it sounds like a crown is an extreme course of action for a tooth that will fall out soon anyway, it’s actually quite necessary.   Why would a child need crowns?   There are several reasons a child would need a crown on their baby teeth rather than just a filling or removing the tooth altogether. The tooth may be so damaged that a filling is not enough to save it, or it is broken, making filling it impossible. In these cases, it is important to have a crown fitted so the tooth remains strong, durable, and the decay does not spread further into the tooth or the surrounding teeth. Baby teeth are essential for the healthy eruption of adult teeth, and a tooth that is weakened or removed will interrupt the growth of the permanent tooth, impacting the child’s oral health, speech development and ability to chew. A crown on baby teeth will protect the tooth that is left and will fall out naturally when the time comes. It will also help preserve the space for the adult teeth, which may not come through until their teens (depending on the tooth).   What’s involved in fitting crowns on baby teeth?   Putting crowns on baby teeth is a relatively simple procedure, but it can take a little while. We first numb the area, isolate the tooth to protect the surrounding teeth, gums and cheek, and then remove the decay using a special drill. During this time, we will shape the tooth and prepare it for the crown. We then fit the crown snugly on top so that it is stable.   What to expect after the crown is applied   After the procedure, the child must avoid sticky food but can otherwise eat normally (being careful not to bite their numb lips and cheeks!), and it’s perfectly fine to brush their teeth as usual. During brushing, the gum may bleed slightly or even appear blue: this can be the shadow of the metal under the gum tissue and not a cause for concern. The area will regain normal feeling in a few days....

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Tales From The Chair – Why I’m Not Scared Of The Dentist Anymore!

Tales From The Chair – Why I’m Not Scared Of The Dentist Anymore!

‘Ding Ding.’ I received an SMS from my brand new dentist. “We’re looking forward to seeing you on Friday for your appointment with Dr Duhig,” read the SMS. I felt my whole body tighten up and a sick feeling started whirling up in my stomach. Did I mention I used to be scared of the dentist? The experience that made me scared of the dentist My anxiety all started with a not so forgettable experience at another dentist where I dribbled so much because my mouth was numb and the dental nurse couldn’t suck my spit up quickly enough with the spit sucker thingy. I couldn’t forget about my inability to spit into the little bowl, embarrassed as a string of saliva hung from my mouth. I also couldn’t forget the massive discomfort of a dental tool being pressed with force on my numb lip. Oh, and did I mention the needles? I needed two of those bad boys, and it sure didn’t tickle! After that experience, I was so worried it would repeat itself over and over, each time I visited the dentist. But I took the matter into my own hands and decided to change dentists. Yes, I was extremely anxious before seeing Dr Robert Duhig, but I can happily say I’m no longer scared of the dentist! Firstly, the fact that Robert Duhig Dental call themselves ‘The Gentler Dentists’ got me really curious. They HAD to be better than my old dentist who was far from gentle. The visit to my new dentist – Robert Duhig Dental At my first appointment, anxious and sweating profusely, I entered the room and was greeted by Robert and the dental assistant. They were both quick to make me feel welcome and calm, asking me about myself and engaging in lovely conversation while, unbeknownst to me, they were prepping for the examination. Their ability to hold conversation really took my mind off things. As I opened my mouth wide in preparation for the scratching and sucking to begin, all I could think about was the dreaded spit sucker; was this nurse going to suck spit better than at my old dentist? Well, I’d like to report that I’d happily give the dental nurse at Robert Duhig Dental the award for top spit sucker because she’s well and truly banished my anxiety about dribbling at the dentist! And as for pain and discomfort, there was none. I couldn’t believe how gentle the dentist was, even with the hook instrument which, I swear, has made me feel a bit like a fish in the past. The conversation continued after the examination had finished, I happily swished the water in my mouth and...

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Reflux Symptoms: Warning Signs & What You Can Do About Them

For many people, that burning feeling in your chest (heartburn), after eating too much or eating too fast, is a familiar occurrence. While it’s normal to experience heartburn from time to time, regularly reoccurring acid reflux is usually diagnosed as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – a potentially serious chronic disease that occurs when stomach acid flows into the oesophagus and irritates the lining. If left untreated, GERD can increase the risk of cancer of the oesophagus or pharynx. Unfortunately, a lot of people go undiagnosed for years because they don’t take their acid reflux symptoms seriously. In fact, did you know that many people are actually first diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease by their dentist? How can your dentist help diagnose reflux? Dentists are often the first health care professionals to diagnose GERD as it can also greatly affect your teeth. Aside from heartburn, one of the first indications of the disease is erosion of tooth enamel. Too much acid can start to dissolve the enamel – particularly at night while you sleep. If the enamel has started to wear away, it can make your teeth sensitive to hot and cold, and cause a yellowish discolouration. As this loss of enamel is permanent, it’s imperative that you book an appointment with your dentist right away if you are experiencing any sensitivity. Even if you’re already aware that you suffer from acid reflux, see your dentist regularly so they can recommend ways to prevent further damage. This is not something you want to ignore as enamel erosion can result in needing fillings, crowns or even extractions in extreme situations. Know the signs associated with acid reflux In addition to tooth sensitivity and heartburn, other tell-tale signs of reflux are excessive burping, having the sensation of a lump in your throat, and experiencing a sour, acidic taste in your mouth. These are all common reflux symptoms and should be given prompt attention. The good news is that the following list indicates some relatively easy ways to lower your risk of symptoms worsening: 1) Eat smaller meals 2) Resist napping after a big meal – stay upright 3) Eliminate smoking and alcohol 4) Reduce or eliminate trigger foods such as tomatoes, citric fruits and foods that are spicy, acidic or high in fat 5) Maintain a healthy weight Robert Duhig Dental can ease all of your concerns about acid reflux symptoms book your appointment today and make your health a...

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Can My Teeth Be Whitened? Teeth Whitening Or Cosmetic Veneers

Can My Teeth Be Whitened? Teeth Whitening Or Cosmetic Veneers

Considering teeth whitening? Brisbane is full of people just like you who are wondering if it really works. Effective treatments for discoloured teeth are readily available but not all smiles will respond well to teeth whitening treatments. But don’t despair! There are alternatives including cosmetic veneers. Read on to learn what is involved with each option and which is the right one for you. When to book a treatment for teeth whitening Certain foods, lifestyle choices and age can cause teeth discolouration. Foods such as coffee, red wine, tea and soft drinks are known causes. Smoking is also a common problem for extrinsic staining – this is when the outer layer of the tooth (the enamel) is stained. Such discolouration problems can be minimised with teeth whitening treatments such as “in-chair” Zoom Teeth Whitening. Zoom Teeth Whitening is a clinic dentistry treatment. The appointment involves the use of an intense white light that activates cleaning agents in your teeth. This type of teeth whitening treatment is much safer than over-the-counter kits that contain high levels of chemicals. Zoom Whitening Treatments take between 60 and 90 minutes and deliver excellent results. Your appointment will begin with a whitening gel administered to your teeth, which is activated by an ultra violet light. There are eight whitening shades to choose from. Your dentist will talk through the options with you. When teeth whitening does not work There are times when teeth whitening will not work. Black teeth, for example, will not respond well to any treatment for teeth whitening. Common causes for black teeth occur when the enamel is severely damaged, when a tooth dies or when excess tartar build-up has stained the tooth. This is when you should opt for cosmetic veneers or perhaps a crown. What is a cosmetic veneer? Dental porcelain veneers are very thin covers made to fit over your existing teeth. They are shaped a little like a fingernail and are typically used for the front incisors. Black molars however, are commonly covered with crowns. A crown will cover the entire tooth and is made of precious metal or ceramic; the latter being the most common choice. Black and weakened teeth will not respond well to teeth whitening treatments. Veneers or crowns however, will cover teeth discolouration completely; ceramic being the most natural way possible. Unsure whether your teeth will respond to teeth whitening? Brisbane dentist Robert Duhig can help. Call (07) 3269 2443 to book your appointment...

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Something Borrowed, Something Zoom – Teeth Whitening For Your Special Day

Something Borrowed, Something Zoom – Teeth Whitening For Your Special Day

  Something Borrowed, Something Zoom – Teeth Whitening: The Finishing Touch To Your Special Day Your wedding day promises so much, the start of the rest of a happy life together. Put your best teeth forward on the day with Zoom Teeth Whitening at Robert Duhig Dental! A Smile To Stop Time You’ll look back on your wedding photographs years from now and smile. A wry smile at a crazy hair-do or fashion choice, perhaps reminiscing about older family members no longer with us. And your biggest smiles will be saved for the photos of the happy couple together. Having lovely, white teeth in your wedding photographs will remind you of the time in your life when you were so happy and poised on the verge of wonderful shared adventures: the start of your family’s journey together, the next step into the big, bold world of adult responsibilities. A gorgeous, sparkling smile speaks of health, happiness and harmony – a perfect message to send on your wedding day. Wedding Preparation Checklist Many people view weddings as a stressful challenge. They want to lose weight, get in shape and smarten up before the big day. It’s important to remember that your partner loves you exactly as you are, but we like to view this special day as an opportunity to be the best version of YOU that you can possibly be. And if you’re self-conscious about your smile, having your teeth professionally whitened can make all the difference. Many couples will be in the same position as you and want to ensure they’re looking their best on the big day. Wedding season is a HUGELY busy time for dentists so if you want to get your teeth whitened, you’d best ensure that you book your appointment sooner rather than later! Zoom Teeth Whitening Zoom Teeth Whitening offers dynamic whitening results that can leave your pearly whites up to EIGHT SHADES whiter! A post-treatment gel will be applied to protect any sensitivity and your dentist can cleverly tailor your treatment plan to be the perfect fit for you. Robert Duhig Dental – The Gentler Dentists The lead-up to a wedding can cause worries but a bright, confident smile does not have to be one of them. Organise those necessary procedures early on to cut down on anxiety. The happiest day of your life approaches – invest in the brightest smile! Contact Robert Duhig Dental today to arrange your Zoom Teeth Whitening Procedure. We specialise in beautiful...

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Why We’re The Go To Sandgate Dental Clinic For Nervous Nellies!

Why We’re The Go To Sandgate Dental Clinic For Nervous Nellies!

Why We’re The Go To Sandgate Dental Clinic For Nervous Nellies! Dental anxiety and nervousness is not only common but understandable, too. There are a lot of variables outside of your control and the idea of having instruments (let alone fingers!) shoved into your mouth can be enough to make even the toughest amongst us break out in a cold sweat.  Selecting a Sandgate dental clinic who will have the best interests of you (and your family) in mind can go a long way to allaying those fears and turning your regular dental check-ups into a positive experience. Yes, the right dentist can make all the difference! Here’s what to look out for. Signs of dental anxiety Your dental anxiety is nothing to be ashamed about. People with dental anxiety often experience: Racing heartbeat or palpitations Fainting (or feeling like fainting) Crying, panic, shaking Withdrawal or accidentally becoming aggressive Postponing or completely ignoring the need for regular dental check-ups You may have had a bad experience in the past or be triggered by the sounds and smells of the dental surgery. Whatever the reason – you deserve fair, ethical, gentle treatment and you need to ensure you are not letting your anxiety stand in the way of your physical health. Signs that your dentist is not the right fit You deserve trained professionals who can take the time, consideration and care that you require. There are many Sandgate dental clinics, including those in the surrounding areas, that will be happy to take your custom but fail to give the appropriate treatment to patients such as yourself. Here are the signs of a poor clinic choice for someone who has dental anxiety or phobia: You are rushed through and treated like a number instead of a patient Your treatment is overly clinical with no personal touches to make you feel comfortable Your concerns and questions are dismissed and you are made to feel silly There is no continuity of care and you do not develop a working relationship with your dentist You are not checked on throughout the procedure Choosing the right team The Robert Duhig Dental team have been operating in Sandgate for over 28 years. Our philosophy is to put patients first at all times, rather than focusing on numbers and targets. We aim to provide individualised care to every customer and we pride ourselves on being the gentle dentists. Don’t let your anxiety hold your dental health hostage. Book an appointment with the Robert Duhig team today – we’re the gentle Sandgate dental...

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