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HELP! My Child Is Getting Braces – What To Expect The First Week

The first few days after getting braces are tough. Your child will likely experience some discomfort and sleepless nights but it isn’t forever. The first week is all about the mouth adjusting to the brackets, hooks and wires and getting used to the pressure on the teeth. The pressure is what will eventually make the teeth move into the right spot. Follow these tips for a much easier and comfortable first week. What to do in the first week of getting braces Offer pain relief New braces have to be adjusted and with this comes discomfort so try to have some mild pain relief on hand. There may also be instances where the cutoff point at the back of the braces moves and can poke the gum or the mouth. If this happens, bring your child back to the dentist to have it snipped and offer pain relief. Keep the braces clean Your dentist will give you a special cleaning pack to keep the braces clean. Have your child get into a good routine to ensure their braces are kept nice and clean by using a soft toothbrush and focusing on each individual tooth as they brush. It’s a good idea to have them brush after lunch too, ensuring that all remnants of food are removed. Offer cold and soft foods In the first week, cold and soft foods are your child’s friend. If you need to cut the food with a knife, it’s best your child doesn’t eat it. Your child will, no doubt, be very happy with the option of ice cream, custard and jelly. Healthier food options are eggs, mashed potato, soup, pureed pears and yoghurt. Avoid spicy and citrus foods While the mouth is getting used to the braces, they can sometimes rub on the gums causing abrasions that can become irritated, particularly by citrusy and spicy foods. It’s best to avoid these foods while the mouth adjusts. Ditch the normal floss Experienced parents and dentists swear by a water jet flosser for children with braces. Although they cost over $100, the consensus is that this is a must-have investment when getting braces. Get your child to sleep on their back If your child is a tummy or side sleeper, try to get them to sleep on their back in the first week. Sleeping on their stomach or side means the lips will be forced into the braces, making them become sore or causing cuts. Put some pillows beside your child to stop them from rolling. Getting braces is a big adjustment, particularly for children, but the discomfort and dietary changes aren’t permanent, just a worthwhile inconvenience for a set of lovely, straight teeth. Even...

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Help! Do I have Geographic Tongue?

Help! Do I have Geographic Tongue?

Help! Do I Have Geographic Tongue? You go into the bathroom to brush your teeth as usual, but this time, you look in the mirror, open your mouth to start brushing and are shocked to see the sight of your tongue. It’s covered with tiny bumps that are pinkish-white and patches of smooth red with slightly raised borders; your tongue looks like a map! You may have a rare condition known as Geographic Tongue. Otherwise known as ‘benign migratory glossitis’, Geographic Tongue is harmless and is not contagious. But there’s no doubt about it, when you discover you have the condition, it can be quite unsettling. Although it can be hard to look at, most people who have Geographic Tongue are quite healthy. What is Geographic Tongue? Geographic Tongue is still a mystery to many, and research continues into its causes. The curious raised bumps of the tongue rash, known as papillae, can come and go from the tongue – leaving behind the smooth red patches that give this condition its name. Often, the patches heal in one area of the tongue and then move to another part. Who does it affect? Studies have not yet confirmed who is most susceptible to Geographic Tongue, but it does affect people of all ages and genders. There is the belief that factors such as stress, allergies, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and oral parafunctional habits can be a cause. Although more studies are required, Geographic Tongue can also be hereditary and those with a fissured tongue are at higher risk of developing the condition. How do I know I have it? Apart from self-examination, it’s a good idea to visit us at our Dental Clinic in Sandgate so we can rule out any serious tongue conditions. The examination is quick and painless. We check your tongue and mouth, have you move your tongue around so we can see all areas, touch your tongue gently for sensitivity, and take a closer look at any unusual changes in texture and consistency. Does Geographic Tongue hurt? Some people can have Geographic Tongue and not even realise, while others can experience discomfort, pain or burning, particularly when eating hot and spicy foods or drinking hot beverages. Is there a cure? It can take up to three months for the tongue to go back to normal on its own. If you find the symptoms persist for more than ten days, visit Robert Duhig Dentist for a thorough check. Although there isn’t a cure, our team can recommend treatment options to reduce the discomfort associated with Geographic Tongue. This may include medications such as pain relief, anesthetic mouthwash, antihistamine mouthwash, ointments or vitamin supplements. In addition to the use of...

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Choose A Gentle, Friendly Dental Clinic Brisbane

Taking care of your teeth is essential to overall good health but, for many people, visiting the dentist can cause anxiety. Finding a dentist you trust is the first step to overcoming your fears. If you’re looking for a dental clinic, Brisbane has no shortage of practices to choose from. But how do you narrow down the choices to find the right fit for you? A friendly and gentle dentist for the whole family From the moment you step through the doors of a dental clinic in Brisbane, you want to feel comfortable and cared for, particularly if the prospect of visiting the dentist makes you nervous. A dental clinic where all staff – from the receptionist to the dentist – are skilled at putting patients at ease can alleviate the fear associated with regular dental check-ups. And when you keep on top of your dental health, you’re less likely to need more involved treatments. Finding a gentle and friendly dental clinic for your children is also vital as it sets them up to have positive associations with taking care of their teeth.   State-of-the-art technology treating a wide range of services A great dental clinic should be keeping up to date with the latest training and technological innovations to ensure the very best treatments are available to their clients. Choosing a modern dental clinic offering a wide range of services means you can rely on your favourite dentist to respond to the varying dental needs of you and your family well into the future. Whether you are after that brilliant smile that Zoom Teeth Whitening can offer, want to straighten your smile with Invisalign or need a solution for your halitosis, choose a dental clinic in Brisbane that is at the cutting edge of technology and treatment. Multilingual staff who truly understand If English is not your first language, it can be difficult to find the right dentist for you and your family. A modern dental clinic in Brisbane ideally employs a multilingual team of professionals to assist with patients, thoroughly explain procedures and help allay fears. Everyone deserves to feel confident about receiving the very best dental care. Never be afraid to ask whether your local dental team has a language specialist to help you! Looking for a dental clinic in Brisbane? Robert Duhig Dental in Sandgate offers cutting edge treatments delivered with good old-fashioned service. Call Brisbane’s gentle dentist TODAY on 07 3269...

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How Do You Correct An Overbite – And Should You Bother?

    Many people look to correct an overbite. They’re concerned about the aesthetic impact of an overbite, which causes teeth to look unevenly placed in the mouth. There are also concerns about headaches or the propensity of other teeth problems that could be caused because of the uncorrected overbite. It seems that a lot of worrying goes on about how, when or where to correct an overbite. There’s another question that could be asked, though. Why?   Why should you correct an overbite? Not all overbites require correction. For many of us, it’s simply a case of teeth not perfectly aligning. Hey, nobody’s perfect! It’s a very common dental condition that can either be treated or left alone depending on severity. For some overbite sufferers, though, it will be necessary to correct an overbite. If this is the case, it will be because the overbite is severe enough to cause pain and possible speech problems. Leaving a severe overbite unchecked and untreated will more likely than not lead to significant issues (and costs!) further down the line. Not taking time to correct an overbite could also lead to problems while eating, headaches and migraines or sleep issues. How do you correct an overbite? Correcting an overbite is a straight-forward procedure. As per many dental issues, it’s easier to confront this problem when the patient is a child. This is a reminder of the importance to arrange regular check-ups with a reliable family dentist. Examination of the overbite may determine that the issue is to do with over-crowding. Regardless of age, an appropriate treatment plan will be established in order to approach the overbite correction at a pace that best suits the individual. Depending on what is required, you may need to look at braces, retainers or perhaps dental surgery. Arranging an appointment to discuss your options The idea of correcting an overbite can be overwhelming – particularly if you have had this condition for your whole life. However, there is a treatment plan that can be crafted to best suit your needs as well as your concerns. Robert Duhig Dental is the GENTLE dentist. This is the place to come for measured, reasonable advice and treatment about how to correct an overbite, without the astronomical cost that often comes with it. Need advice about how or why to correct an overbite? Get in touch with Robert Duhig Dental to see how the team can help YOU get everything lined up nice and...

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Crooked Teeth? It’s Not Too Late To Straighten Them!

Crooked Teeth? It’s Not Too Late To Straighten Them!

What Causes Crooked Teeth And What Are My Options To Fix Them? Crooked teeth can be a source of much embarrassment, negatively impacting your confidence and self-esteem. A healthy, straight smile is a wonderful asset, but aesthetics are not the only concern with crooked teeth. In fact, misaligned and overcrowded teeth can make proper brushing and hygiene difficult and, if left unchecked, can lead to more serious issues. Read on to discover what causes crooked teeth and the treatment options available to correct them. What causes crooked teeth? In most cases, crooked teeth are hereditary. Narrow or small jaws that can’t accommodate a full set of adult teeth are a common genetic trait. Others have issues with extra adult teeth growing in or missing ones that leave gaps. Upper and lower jaws that are misaligned can result in an over or under bite. But the cause of crooked teeth is not always genetics. Poor dental hygiene in childhood can lead to problems with adult teeth. Thumb sucking, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting and inadequate brushing leading to decay can all have a detrimental impact on the formation of your adult smile. Crooked teeth solutions If your crooked teeth are bothering you, it’s not too late to fix the problem. Not only will straightening your teeth give you a boost in confidence, but it can lower the risk of gum disease and decay. Invisalign Invisalign teeth straightening is a popular choice for adults with crooked teeth as it allows you to treat the problem discreetly. As opposed to the very prominent metal braces traditionally used, Invisalign is a series of clear plastic aligners that are virtually invisible and can be removed for eating and cleaning. Invisalign also offers you a more comfortable teeth straightening experience, free from metal wires and brackets that can cause pain and irritation to the mouth. The costing is generally around the same as traditional braces and treatment time is dependent on the complexity of the problem. Porcelain veneers and dental crowns If you have gappy or uneven teeth, porcelain veneers can be an excellent solution to create a straight, even smile. It is especially useful if you want results quickly. Similarly, dental crowns which cover the entire tooth can be used to improve the look of worn or decaying teeth, create symmetry and close gaps. Orthodontic work In some cases, crooked teeth require orthodontic work. Your dentist can assess your individual situation and refer you on as necessary. Discuss the right option for straightening your crooked teeth with the friendly staff at Robert Duhig Dental today! Call 07 3269...

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Scared Of Orthodontist Bills? Pediatric Dentistry Could Help!

Scared Of Orthodontist Bills? Pediatric Dentistry Could Help!

Pediatric Dentistry Could Prevent Painful Costs Later On! If you’re looking at your young child’s crooked teeth and thinking they’re likely to need braces, it may be time to consider pediatric dentistry. Some parents feel that dentist visits are an unnecessary cost for younger children, preferring to wait until all the ‘adult teeth’ have come through, but think again. You are far better off getting your child’s teeth checked now to prevent bigger problems down the track! What does a pediatric dentist do? A pediatric dentist has experience in treating the specific teething and oral health problems faced by children. Pediatric dentistry clinics are designed to make your children feel comfortable during their visit, ensuring they trust their dentist. This sets them up for a lifetime of good dental care. A pediatric dentist is also able to identify the ‘trouble spots’ in your child’s teeth and gums, potentially nipping problems in the bud before you need to save for costly orthodontic treatments when your child hits their teens. What problems will a pediatric dentist look for? Your child’s ‘baby teeth’ will come in between birth and around 3 years of age. Sometime between the ages of 5 and 12, these baby teeth will fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth. It’s around this time that many parents and carers begin to notice the telltale signs of dental problems like overbites, crooked teeth or crowded gums. Pediatric dentistry visits will assess: Teeth that have yet to come through. When a baby tooth falls out, usually a permanent tooth will replace it within a few weeks. Sometimes ‘adult’ teeth will take longer to come through. When this happens, other teeth move around to fill the gap, causing crowding. Underbites and overbites. Problems such as lingua tori and other mouth shape issues such as underbites or overbites can be identified early. In some cases, your pediatric dentist may suggest a plate or mouthguard to assist. A plate may seem expensive for a child or tween, but it can prevent the far more costly option of a full set of braces later-on. Permanent teeth that grow through before baby teeth come out. In these cases, permanent teeth erupt through the gum behind, in front of, or next to the primary tooth, which has yet to come out. If the primary tooth is not loose and you can’t pull it out, this may cause issues with crowding, which can lead to speech difficulties and problems chewing. Wisdom teeth. Every child is different, but wisdom teeth can be very problematic for all ages. X-rays are performed on your child to assess whether their wisdom teeth will impact other molars. If you notice crookedness in...

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