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Crooked Teeth? It’s Not Too Late To Straighten Them!

Posted by on January 4, 2018 in Uncategorised | Comments Off on Crooked Teeth? It’s Not Too Late To Straighten Them!

What Causes Crooked Teeth And What Are My Options To Fix Them?

Crooked teeth can be a source of much embarrassment, negatively impacting your confidence and self-esteem. A healthy, straight smile is a wonderful asset, but aesthetics are not the only concern with crooked teeth. In fact, misaligned and overcrowded teeth can make proper brushing and hygiene difficult and, if left unchecked, can lead to more serious issues.
Read on to discover what causes crooked teeth and the treatment options available to correct them.

What causes crooked teeth?

In most cases, crooked teeth are hereditary. Narrow or small jaws that can’t accommodate a full set of adult teeth are a common genetic trait. Others have issues with extra adult teeth growing in or missing ones that leave gaps. Upper and lower jaws that are misaligned can result in an over or under bite.
But the cause of crooked teeth is not always genetics. Poor dental hygiene in childhood can lead to problems with adult teeth. Thumb sucking, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting and inadequate brushing leading to decay can all have a detrimental impact on the formation of your adult smile.

crooked teeth

Crooked teeth solutions

If your crooked teeth are bothering you, it’s not too late to fix the problem. Not only will straightening your teeth give you a boost in confidence, but it can lower the risk of gum disease and decay.


Invisalign teeth straightening is a popular choice for adults with crooked teeth as it allows you to treat the problem discreetly. As opposed to the very prominent metal braces traditionally used, Invisalign is a series of clear plastic aligners that are virtually invisible and can be removed for eating and cleaning.
Invisalign also offers you a more comfortable teeth straightening experience, free from metal wires and brackets that can cause pain and irritation to the mouth. The costing is generally around the same as traditional braces and treatment time is dependent on the complexity of the problem.

Porcelain veneers and dental crowns

If you have gappy or uneven teeth, porcelain veneers can be an excellent solution to create a straight, even smile. It is especially useful if you want results quickly. Similarly, dental crowns which cover the entire tooth can be used to improve the look of worn or decaying teeth, create symmetry and close gaps.

Orthodontic work

In some cases, crooked teeth require orthodontic work. Your dentist can assess your individual situation and refer you on as necessary.

Discuss the right option for straightening your crooked teeth with the friendly staff at Robert Duhig Dental today! Call 07 3269 2443.