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Halitosis Diagnosis And Treatment – Book Now – Robert Duhig Dental

Posted by on December 7, 2017 in Dental Tips | Comments Off on Halitosis Diagnosis And Treatment – Book Now – Robert Duhig Dental

Bad breath is embarrassing but it’s something everyone will experience at one time or another. Garlic and onions often get a bad rap, and though it’s true that some foods can produce unpleasant odours to develop inside your mouth, this kind of bad breath is usually short-lived. Halitosis is more persistent and, often times, the sufferer is unaware of the problem. Read on to discover the causes of halitosis, who is most at risk of developing it and what you can do to treat the problem.

What causes halitosis?

Bad breath is caused by three different odourous gases that are released when bacteria begins to break down proteins in the mouth. These bacteria colonise on the tongue and at the back of the throat. In most cases, oral bacteria is a normal occurrence, but halitosis sufferers have an imbalance of bacteria that no amount of brushing or mouth wash can fix. Certain foods can exacerbate the problem, but eliminating them from your diet will not guarantee an end to the bad breath.

Are you at risk?

There are some factors which can make you more susceptible to halitosis and these include:

  • dental problems including poor oral hygiene and gum disease
  • dry mouth, which can be caused by dehydration, alcohol, stress and some medications
  • smoking which deprives the mouth of oxygen
  • nasal and mucous problems including sinusitis and post-nasal drip
  • medical conditions such as some carcinomas, kidney failure and diabetes
  • people with sensory issues who may struggle with oral care due to problems with brush texture or the taste of toothpaste.

Unless someone mentions your offensive breath, it can be difficult to know just how bad the problem is.


There are certain symptoms which can indicate you have halitosis including:

  • dry mouth
  • a noticeable build up around the teeth
  • a white coating on the tongue, especially at the back
  • a constant sour, metallic taste
  • thick saliva
  • excessive mucous or the frequent feeling of needing to clear the throat.

A simple and cost-effective solution

Good dental hygiene is first and foremost in maintaining good oral health and avoiding bad breath. But halitosis can occur even when you do everything right. It’s a frustrating and embarrassing problem which can impact on your self-esteem and confidence. Thankfully, cutting edge technology is available to assess the problem and treat it effectively. A quick and non-invasive test measures the gasses in your mouth and, from there, a suitable treatment plan is created to beat bad breath for good.

Is bad breath negatively impacting your life? Simple and affordable treatment is available. To book in your Halitosis Testing, call Robert Duhig Dental TODAY on (07) 3269 2443.